What is email marketing and why we care: A marketer’s guide

Email marketing remains one of the most effective digital channels today. Here are some best practices to help your brand stay ahead of the email marketing game.

Email marketing helps organizations acquire and retain customers, build businesses and make more money.

That single sentence explains why companies must invest in effective email marketing.

Email success relies on more than buying an email platform and knocking out random messages to every email address in the database, although some email thought leaders do joke that email is the only marketing or advertising channel where even a marginal program still makes money.

However, companies will make more money and use email to serve their entire organizations more effectively when they use a strategic approach that harnesses and respects the channel’s power simultaneously.

Email remains a cost-effective way of reaching audiences and driving outcomes. Because of the volume of email customers receive, there is a growing emphasis on personalization and the use of engaging dynamic content. Also, while email optimization has endured as essential for marketers to master, new challenges tied to inbox algorithms and deliverability have added technical considerations that marketers need to manage.

A successful email marketing program requires a thorough understanding of the channel, from acquisition to strategic planning, data collection, and management. Unlike other channels, marketers need to know the mechanics of message delivery, too.

This guide helps marketers understand the most significant issues that affect email marketing and its success within the company. Here’s what you’ll learn:

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